Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The Sweetest Thing on this World.

Madeline Jane Eerkes
12:49 am
7lbs. 13ounces
Life doesn't get much better than holding my sweet little baby sister in my arms! She is the epitomy of perfection. I love her more than words can say. She is the cutest most precious thing that I have ever seen. How could you not love her! As if the greatest sister wasnt enough, we could possibly have the best parents in the world. You really couldnt ask for a more perfect family! Our family has been truely blessed! Thank you Ryan and Grandma Bean for finding the perfect angel to send our way. We love you!


The Briggs said...

You lttle sweetheart! I love you Bee!!!!

Becky said...

She definitely is the sweetest thing ever! And you will be the BEST big sister in the world - lucky little baby.
